for Apex, Cary, Durham, Raleigh, Greensboro, NC & the Surrounding Areas

Beavers and muskrats do not often invade homes, but they can cause a great deal of damage to your trees, landscaping, and any waterways or water features you may have. They work quickly, so damage can literally appear overnight.

Each situation is unique, the experienced wildlife removal team at Urban Wildlife and Bee Removal will come up with an individualized plan to humanely remove these animals from your property. Contact us today to discuss your current situation and request an estimate!


  • Water levels in ponds change
  • Trails forming near water
  • Trees downed or de-barked
  • Bank(s) caving in


On this page you can see a video of a beaver dam removal that we executed. This was a 10-acre beaver pond with a 10+ year dam. The dam was so old it had 15-to-20-foot trees growing in it. The project was approved by the EPA. All explosives were provided and handled by National Quarry Services, Inc. Proper authorities were notified before each blast.

For prices on beaver & muskrat removal services, call now.

For a full estimate on beaver removal, we welcome you to contact Apex - (919) 626-4160 & Greensboro - (800) 897-5905. We take pride in serving property owners throughout the Zebulon, Raleigh, Apex, Cary, Chapel Hill, Clayton, Durham, Garner, Holly Springs, Knightdale, Morrisville, Wake Forest, and Greensboro, NC areas.


Beavers are smart and are able to transform any freshwater environment into a suitable habitat. Although they don’t commonly invade homes, they can be quite destructive in other environments. In order to humanely remove a beaver, you can use the following methods:

  • Live Trap: Non-lethal and effective method. Although it takes patience, it can work. Beaver travel patterns can be predictable, so place the live trap along a beaver slide or dam crossover. You will want to bait your trap with beaver castor or poplar.
  • Install a Drainpipe/Dismantle Lodges: By installing a drainpipe at the dam you can make the dam fail, and discourage beavers from using the area. Breaking down the key structures will make it difficult for them to return.
  • Wrap Trees: Since trees are a beaver's main building material, wrapping the trunks of trees prevents the beavers from being able to cut them down. This may encourage them to move on to another area.


Urban Wildlife and Bee Removal is a wildlife removal company serving Apex, NC. The Apex community is home to numerous types of wildlife including beavers. Beavers can wreak havoc on a property. They will chew any trees that you have and cause them to fall. When trees fall, they will damage anything they land on. Properties that have beavers on them have seen fallen trees damage garages, sheds, vehicles, landscaping, and homes. This can cost you a lot of money in repairs and you still will have the beaver issue on your hands. Getting the beavers removed promptly will prevent any future complications caused by their presence. Do not attempt to remove them yourself; you should hire a beaver removal company to do it for you. Beavers have sharp teeth that can hurt you badly if you are not careful while handling them. Let our wildlife removal pros get rid of them for you and keep you out of harm’s way. Contact us today to schedule your beaver removal service!

Call Now for BEAVER AND MUSKRAT Removal Services •Apex • 919-626-4160 • Greensboro • 800-897-5905

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